Search Results for: fall nature walk

Fall Nature Walk

Inspired by the children’ books Leaf Man and Leaf Jumpers, we went on our first fall nature walk this year. Excited, the kids gathered their beach buckets and we headed down our neighborhood streets in search of fall artifacts. They picked up twigs, cones of various sizes and leaves of different colors and shapes. It was just a fun time of observing signs of autumn. As we walked, we had conversations about fall. Buddy saw a tree with leaves that hung down low, and he asked me if it’s a willow tree. It was neat to see them put their book knowledge into real life experiences. Below are some pictures of our walk and projects that we made with our findings. We tried to glue our leaf animals together, but that didn’t work because the leaves were all dried and uneven, so I told the kids that we’ll have the nice pictures for memory and they were all fine with that.

Buddy’s bird

Chicco’s trying to make a butterfly.

Mei’s butterfly that Buddy made for her.

Buddy asked for pipe cleaners for his pine cone spider.

If you’re interested in some great fall books for children, read 10 Fall Books for Children.

What fall activities does your family enjoy? Please share in the comments.

Cinderella Pumpkins and More

This past weekend I picked up two different varieties of pumpkins from my local farm stand that are great for baking. So I decided to have my photo session with Cinderella and Sugar Pie. I’ve also included some pictures that I took at a pumpkin patch. Hope you’ll enjoy them!

Cinderella pumpkin, great for baking.

Cinderella and Sugar Pie pumpkins, great for pies.

Left: Cinderella pumpkin, Rt. Back: Carving pumpkin, Rt. Front: Sugar Pie pumpkin.

Pumpkin patch with orange and white carving pumpkins.

Aladdin’s Turban Squash with its striped hat.

Ornamental Gourds.

For some fun and easy no-carve pumpkin ideas, click No-Carve Pumpkins. For other fun fall ideas, click Fall Leaf Rubbings, Fall Nature Walk, and Fruit Stamping.